Newhotel invited to a talk

Newhotel convidada para uma talk Parceria com Universidade Portucalense

Newhotel invited for a talk at Universidade Portucalense

Get ready for a transformative experience in the hospitality world!

The Universidade Portucalense, through Cultura@Portucalense and the Department of Tourism, Heritage and Culture and Newhotel Software join forces to boost the future of the hotel industry.
Mark in your agenda the 18th of October at 3pm - an event you will not want to miss. Immerse yourself with us in the Digital Transformation of the Hospitality Industry!

Stay tuned to the book "Digital Transformation of Hospitality: Theories, Practices and Global Challenges" by Jorge Marques and Rui Pedro Marques. Ana Rita Rosa, Regional Sales Manager at Newhotel Software, presents "The Impact of Digital Transformation in the Hotel Sector".
This event is not only FREE but also promises to be a treasure trove of insights. Register here.

Join us in celebrating another remarkable partnership between Newhotel and a higher education institution. We are shaping the future of hotel management!

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